bridal show

5 Tips For Attending A Virtual Wedding Show

Thanks so much Covid for changing the way we plan weddings (insert total sarcasm voice here).

You can’t interview vendors in person. Talking about your wedding with your family and friends after dinner is mostly non-existent. And you can forget about attending a wedding expo or wedding show.

Or can you?!?

Have you heard of a virtual wedding show? No, check out our article on What Is A Virtual Wedding Show??? Interested? We thought you might be! How about some tips on making your experience amazing?

  1. Put the date and time on your calendar as soon as you sign up and make it a priority.

    I know stuff happens, but you won’t get any benefit if you don’t actually attend. Besides, most of the discount codes won’t be given out until the end of the show.

  2. Download the appropriate app before the show.

    This one seems a little silly, but it will make clicking the link and getting into the show faster and easier day of.

  3. Take a peek at the schedule and see who you want to be sure to be present for.

    You may have already booked a vendor or two already and are really interested in others. Look at the schedule to make sure you’re online and in a place to listen and interact when those you are super interested in will be presenting.

  4. If you have the time, listen to everyone, even vendor categories you may have already booked.

    You may pick up some tips, tricks and advice to help with those vendors already booked.

  5. Open the emails that come before and after the show from the organizers and participating vendors.

    This is where the discount codes, special offers and other goodies will be given to you. You don’t want to miss them.

I know this isn’t ideal. It isn’t normal. It isn’t what you dreamed about. And trust me, my heart is breaking for you. But I do love that I get a more intimate experience with you while you decide which vendors to hire. I love that attending a virtual option keeps you safe. And I love that the vendors that chose to step into this mode of working with you are among the most progressive and professional in our area.

Mark November 15th, 2020 on your calendar and get your ticket to the Arizona Online Wedding Show!

What Is A Virtual Wedding Show???

Virtual Conference Image

So there is pre-Covid life which I think most of us are really missing right now. And then there is during Covid life, which unfortunately is our current reality. And I’m going to be honest with you, during Covid life is really, really terrible in so many ways - no parties, no get-togethers, limited travel, limited everything including how you plan for your wedding.

Remember this -

Engagement Ring

Leads to this (usually) -

But in-between we have a whole lot of this -

Wedding planning involves a ton of research, talking to loads of people and spending tons of money. Pre-Covid, you would talk to your friends over dinner for referrals and to make plans, meet with more than a few professionals as you try to hire just the right person for the job, oh and attend wedding shows/open houses.

All of which YOU CAN’T DO RIGHT NOW!!!!

Does this mean that you’re supposed to wing it? Not plan a wedding? Try and figure things out using Google and praying that you are hiring someone with value, integrity and who has just the right stuff?


You could attend a virtual wedding show. What’s that you say?? You’ve never heard of a virtual wedding show?!?! Let me tell you all about it!!!

A virtual wedding show has so many perks that I don’t know why we didn’t have them pre-Covid!

  • They are typically free or very low cost to attend.

  • You don’t have to fight through traffic and pay for parking.

  • Crowds are non-existent (unless you have 1,000 of your best friends staying at your house).

  • No back breaking bag full of promotional materials that you took just to get someone to leave you alone.

  • They are full of curated, professional vendors that are on a schedule so you can pop in and only watch the ones you are interested in.

  • You can interact with the vendors on a one-to-one basis and ask all the questions, without feeling over-whelmed.

  • Typically you are still offered a discount or some other perk for signing on.

  • You can attend in your PJ’s or hanging out by the pool.

  • No need to get a babysitter, you can watch on mute while the kiddos are in the other room.

  • Need an excuse to get together with your besties but don’t want to expose them to 3,000 other people? Have a watch party with mimosas!

  • No masks or social distancing AT ALL!

You’ll still get to meet amazing vendors! You’ll still get to work on planning your wedding! You’ll still get those moments of “OMG, I really am getting married”.

So, you’re hooked and ready to sign on for the next show???

Mark your calendar for November 15th, 2020 at 11:00 am and register for your free ticket to the Arizona Online Wedding Show!